Sunday, May 4, 2008

Cowboyinit The New Frontier HYDROGEN TECHNOLOGY

After writing several blogs and articles on burning water for gas i find that most who read these items are still in a state of dis belief. wondering why this technology hasnt been implemented before now, the honest truth is that its so simple
auto makers and oil companies would rather have this information buried for all time.
using hho gas to power your vehicle is something anyone can do CHEAP. so that takes away the control they have on us, we cant build a car or make our own gasoline CHEAP
but we can build, install and maintain a hydrogen generating system and get better gas mileage.

Technology landed a man on the Moon, now after 23 years of research and development by private individules TECHNOLOGY allows us to burn water for gas. something we have been told for decades cant be done, mix water with gasoline, well no you cant thats absolutely correct, BUT you can take water add a simple catalist and electrolize the two and make hydrogen that CAN be blended with gas through the intake system of your engine and increase your gas mileage by 35 to 50 % AND THATS A FACT

[ to quote Paul Harvey ] that is

Can Be Read Here

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