Monday, May 5, 2008

hho gas

As gasoline prices inch towards the $4 a gallon mark consumers are starting to take a closer look at hydrogen fuel cells a device that creates hydrogen hho gas right on the vehicle. this simple device can double gas mileage with very little effort or expense, hydrogen on demand fuel cells are the only true way to improve gas mileage, one of the very best ways to learn about hydrogen fuel, is to read a set of e books written by Ozzie Freedom, founder and CEO of Water4Gas.Ozzie has taken 90 year old water car technology to the next level, hydrogen powered vehicles are no longer something to dream about, they are a reality. auto makers have designed and built a demo that actually runs totally on hydrogen or gasoline, so the technology WORKS now the problem is, where to fill the fuel tank ! ! !

These automobiles are going to cost tens of thousands of dollars, the fuel stations are going to cost billions to build and get into operation. wouldn't it be much easier to add a hydrogen on demand generator to current and future vehicles ?
of course it would but they cant charge thousands of dollars for a system that only cost pennies to build, in comparison to a new hydrogen powered car.hydrogen on demand fuel cells are CHEAP to build , easy to install and maintain , the only problem is we have been told for years , water and gas don't mix, now its hard for consumers to understand this new technology.

Well its not to hard for me to believe in something this simple, having built and installed several systems using Ozzie's Water4Gas E Books, BOOKS that have 23 years of research and development, BOOKS that have easy to read ,easy to understand , AND easy to build and install DIRECTIONS. when you can take these very simple parts :
Electrolyzer , Stainless Steel 316L Electrodes and 2 high-flow Check Valves and a
MAP Sensor Enhancer ,Fuel Additive Formula AND BURN WATER FOR GAS ! ! !
then why haven't auto makers and oil companies with all of their EXPERT ENGINEERS came up with a simple solution like this ? New TECHNOLOGY put a man on the MOON
so whats so hard to believe about A WATER POWERED CAR ?

All comments are welcome Cowboyinit The New Frontier Hydrogen Power

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Cowboyinit The New Frontier HYDROGEN TECHNOLOGY

After writing several blogs and articles on burning water for gas i find that most who read these items are still in a state of dis belief. wondering why this technology hasnt been implemented before now, the honest truth is that its so simple
auto makers and oil companies would rather have this information buried for all time.
using hho gas to power your vehicle is something anyone can do CHEAP. so that takes away the control they have on us, we cant build a car or make our own gasoline CHEAP
but we can build, install and maintain a hydrogen generating system and get better gas mileage.

Technology landed a man on the Moon, now after 23 years of research and development by private individules TECHNOLOGY allows us to burn water for gas. something we have been told for decades cant be done, mix water with gasoline, well no you cant thats absolutely correct, BUT you can take water add a simple catalist and electrolize the two and make hydrogen that CAN be blended with gas through the intake system of your engine and increase your gas mileage by 35 to 50 % AND THATS A FACT

[ to quote Paul Harvey ] that is

Can Be Read Here

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Cheap Gasoline LoL a Thing of The Past

Amazing how americans spend hours a week looking for cheap gas, reading adds on who is having a 10% off on gas this week,Fill up and get a free soda, the list is crazy the things people will do to save a buck on gas prices. the plain and simple fact is if they concentrated on how to get better gas mileage, and open their eyes to new technology, the savings out way the costs of adding a hydrogen hho gas genarator to their vehicle. but still they won't believe it works hundreds of testimonals exists by users of a system called Water4Gas. i get loads of e mails each week from people who want to believe but are afraid of new technology.

The sad part is they will spend thousands of dollars on gasoline, before auto makers get a hydrogen car on the road, yes their working on them ,BMW has one it will cost 10s of thousands of dollars to own one, then consumers will say oh darn burning water for gas is a reality. why consumers won't look at 23 years of research and development by private individules, who have brought back 90 year old suppressed technology, and offer a simple solution to high gas prices RIGHT NOW is beyond this Cowboys understanding. having a system is so easy, mabey thats why Americans are slow to accept the fact that it really works.

One of the dumb questions asked is , if this works why havent auto makers and oil companies came up with a similar system ? WHY? WHY ? because they cant control and charge thousands for it thats WHY!! its to simple to make like a top of the line system [ if you build it your self using Ozzie Freedoms Water4Gas e books] only costs a couple hundred bucks, about 32 cents a month to maintain, and increase your gas mileage from 37-50 %

American's THE Brain Washed, thats what most of us are, we have been told for years water and gas don't mix, they forgot to tell us that hydrogen can be made from water and MIXED WITH GAS and increase fuel efficency, decrease pollution and save you thousands of dollars at the PUMPS. SO ask your self WHY am i wasting money when i don't have too only because some one[ to quote Paul Harvey] forgot to tell me

can be read here if your bold enough [THE NEW FRONTIER]