Monday, August 25, 2008


Who do you believe when it comes to understanding hydrogen on demand fuel cells that can be installed on any vehicle and increase mpg ? the inventor, the person using them, the mechanic who installed them ? or auto makers and oil companies who avoid contact with hho fuel cells and decline to comment about their feasibility?
the BBB who does not have one legitimate complaint against Water4Gas founder Ozzie Freedom ? {who has sold thousands of e books with the knowledge of how to build and install them} it gets kind on confusing with all of the free energy devices on the market today.
One thing for certain is that hydrogen on demand fuel cells are growing in popularity in leaps and bounds as gas prices sky rocket, more and more consumers are taking a chance that they do work and building, buying and installing them. with hydrogen powered cars a reality now most are saying, well maybe they do work, maybe I've been misinformed. mechanics are starting to test these devices on a daily basis and are starting to release their results WOW FUNNY how 90 year technology is finally getting the respect it deserves.
Do yourself a favor open your eyes to new technology and start looking at hho gas in a different light, you just might learn something OLD ! ! !

and read more about hho gas and improving your gas mileage.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Hydrogen and exahust systems

A big concern that needs little attention, is will using a hydrogen on demand system harm my exahust system? the answer is plain and simple, NO. have you ever pulled up behind a vehicle at a stop light and noticed liquid running out of the tail pipe? sure you have, more than a hundred times ill bet. that is condensation from normal burning of fossil fuels. using a hod cell actualy cleans the exahust system up, makes gasoline burn cleaner, less pollution, and the engine runs cooler
so less condensation in the tail pipes.
According to our extensive road tests in Florida and California, your HHO Water4Gas device is expected to produce the following immediate results for your vehicle or boat:
Improve your gas mileage by up to 50%. This includes both city and highway driving conditions.
Eliminate harmful exhaust emission that pollute the environment and contribute to global warming. Your engine will ADD oxygen to the environment instead of polluting it.
Greatly enhance engine power and performance.
Remove carbon deposits and prevent future carbon build up.

Reduce the operating temperature of the engine and waste heat into the environment.

You will notice a calmer, quieter and much smoother engine operation and smoother gearshifts. This is due to the effect water has on the combustion cycle inside your engine.

Enjoy a longer life expectancy of your engine, especially the pistons and valves.

Pride and satisfaction: I enjoy being a leader and advisor on gas economy. You too will feel a great deal of pride and satisfaction by sharing your newly acquired knowledge with your friends, family, neighbors, community/church members and co-workers. So many drivers and and truck/fleet owners struggle, when they don't have to. Once the word comes out they will come to YOU for advice.

It's up to you if you want to turn your new knowledge and experience into an income source. You can! If you are a volunteer or a minister and work for the community, you can share your knowledge as part of your service. In today's crazy gasoline prices, I believe this technology is more valuable than free food.

Listen, this is not a promise! If the engine is ruined (broken piston etc) then it must be fixed. But Water4Gas technology has the power to clean out the emissions dramatically. One happy user emailed this amazing true story:

A friend of mine installed one [water4gas device] on an old Cadillac. His catalytic converter had gone bad so he removed it and took it in for emissions testing. After the test the mechanic came out and said "Boy you sure have a great catalytic converter on that car!"

visit read and learn more about hydrogen fuel cells.


an ever growing concern from consumers is what is the best system ? there are so
many different styles how do i choose the best ? lol well not to worry they all do the exact same thing MAKE HHO GAS so pick one easy to install under your own hood if its easier to install a round one ok if not get a square or rectangle one no matter they all work. each and every one gives better gas mileage just a little different design is all.
Oh im sure some make a little more hho than others but the basics are the same THEY ALL WORK if you need better gas mileage then pick one and get it installed there is NO MAJOR DIFFERENCE IN ANY SYSTEM need more gas mileage just add another cell up to 6can be used efficently, even more on simis if you are waiting for them to get better you are wasting money at the pumps with out a doubt.

Visit take a look and read about hydrogen technology how it started and some different styles of cells.

Hydrogen Technology TODAY

Hydrogen fuel cells,the biggest,the hottest,the most talked about new OLD product on the internet today.with over a million new websites on the internet, all talking about this 90 year old technology, it's easy to get confused, especially if you don't
understand what you are reading.
After recieving hundreds of email inquires about COWBOYINIT THE NEW FRONTIERE
i decided it was time to put the real facts on my web site, so a totaly new look now appears on visitors will now find information on how it all started and how hydrogen on demand fuel cells really work. after visiting this web site if you don't have enough information about hod systems then you didn't read it you just jumped arround. take the time to learn about hydrogen on demand systems before you decide to purchase one it will prove of great help after you'r purchase.
oil companies and auto makers can no longer hide this technology, they helped bury for years, as they themselves are starting to build cars with hydrogen fuel capabilites. if you think for one minute that these systems don't work then you are very miss informed and have been listening to the wrong EXPERTS. do yourself a favor

visit research THE FACTS found on this site yourself before you listen to your favorite mechanic who knows nothing about this technology and tells you it won't work.

Monday, May 5, 2008

hho gas

As gasoline prices inch towards the $4 a gallon mark consumers are starting to take a closer look at hydrogen fuel cells a device that creates hydrogen hho gas right on the vehicle. this simple device can double gas mileage with very little effort or expense, hydrogen on demand fuel cells are the only true way to improve gas mileage, one of the very best ways to learn about hydrogen fuel, is to read a set of e books written by Ozzie Freedom, founder and CEO of Water4Gas.Ozzie has taken 90 year old water car technology to the next level, hydrogen powered vehicles are no longer something to dream about, they are a reality. auto makers have designed and built a demo that actually runs totally on hydrogen or gasoline, so the technology WORKS now the problem is, where to fill the fuel tank ! ! !

These automobiles are going to cost tens of thousands of dollars, the fuel stations are going to cost billions to build and get into operation. wouldn't it be much easier to add a hydrogen on demand generator to current and future vehicles ?
of course it would but they cant charge thousands of dollars for a system that only cost pennies to build, in comparison to a new hydrogen powered car.hydrogen on demand fuel cells are CHEAP to build , easy to install and maintain , the only problem is we have been told for years , water and gas don't mix, now its hard for consumers to understand this new technology.

Well its not to hard for me to believe in something this simple, having built and installed several systems using Ozzie's Water4Gas E Books, BOOKS that have 23 years of research and development, BOOKS that have easy to read ,easy to understand , AND easy to build and install DIRECTIONS. when you can take these very simple parts :
Electrolyzer , Stainless Steel 316L Electrodes and 2 high-flow Check Valves and a
MAP Sensor Enhancer ,Fuel Additive Formula AND BURN WATER FOR GAS ! ! !
then why haven't auto makers and oil companies with all of their EXPERT ENGINEERS came up with a simple solution like this ? New TECHNOLOGY put a man on the MOON
so whats so hard to believe about A WATER POWERED CAR ?

All comments are welcome Cowboyinit The New Frontier Hydrogen Power

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Cowboyinit The New Frontier HYDROGEN TECHNOLOGY

After writing several blogs and articles on burning water for gas i find that most who read these items are still in a state of dis belief. wondering why this technology hasnt been implemented before now, the honest truth is that its so simple
auto makers and oil companies would rather have this information buried for all time.
using hho gas to power your vehicle is something anyone can do CHEAP. so that takes away the control they have on us, we cant build a car or make our own gasoline CHEAP
but we can build, install and maintain a hydrogen generating system and get better gas mileage.

Technology landed a man on the Moon, now after 23 years of research and development by private individules TECHNOLOGY allows us to burn water for gas. something we have been told for decades cant be done, mix water with gasoline, well no you cant thats absolutely correct, BUT you can take water add a simple catalist and electrolize the two and make hydrogen that CAN be blended with gas through the intake system of your engine and increase your gas mileage by 35 to 50 % AND THATS A FACT

[ to quote Paul Harvey ] that is

Can Be Read Here

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Cheap Gasoline LoL a Thing of The Past

Amazing how americans spend hours a week looking for cheap gas, reading adds on who is having a 10% off on gas this week,Fill up and get a free soda, the list is crazy the things people will do to save a buck on gas prices. the plain and simple fact is if they concentrated on how to get better gas mileage, and open their eyes to new technology, the savings out way the costs of adding a hydrogen hho gas genarator to their vehicle. but still they won't believe it works hundreds of testimonals exists by users of a system called Water4Gas. i get loads of e mails each week from people who want to believe but are afraid of new technology.

The sad part is they will spend thousands of dollars on gasoline, before auto makers get a hydrogen car on the road, yes their working on them ,BMW has one it will cost 10s of thousands of dollars to own one, then consumers will say oh darn burning water for gas is a reality. why consumers won't look at 23 years of research and development by private individules, who have brought back 90 year old suppressed technology, and offer a simple solution to high gas prices RIGHT NOW is beyond this Cowboys understanding. having a system is so easy, mabey thats why Americans are slow to accept the fact that it really works.

One of the dumb questions asked is , if this works why havent auto makers and oil companies came up with a similar system ? WHY? WHY ? because they cant control and charge thousands for it thats WHY!! its to simple to make like a top of the line system [ if you build it your self using Ozzie Freedoms Water4Gas e books] only costs a couple hundred bucks, about 32 cents a month to maintain, and increase your gas mileage from 37-50 %

American's THE Brain Washed, thats what most of us are, we have been told for years water and gas don't mix, they forgot to tell us that hydrogen can be made from water and MIXED WITH GAS and increase fuel efficency, decrease pollution and save you thousands of dollars at the PUMPS. SO ask your self WHY am i wasting money when i don't have too only because some one[ to quote Paul Harvey] forgot to tell me

can be read here if your bold enough [THE NEW FRONTIER]

Monday, April 28, 2008

Hydrogen-BMW +Jay Leno

While surfing the inter net i stumbled on an article about Jay Leno test driving a new hydrogen powered car, [article can be read here:

Jay spent 10 days driving around in BMW's Hydrogen 7, a standard 7 Series sedan equipped with a 6.0-liter V12 engine that's been modified to run on either gasoline or hydrogen. auto makers are starting to build hydrogen powered cars for a reason,its a new way to sell something they can control. all the while private individuals, for the past 23 years, have been researching and developing
a device that makes hydrogen on demand right on your car.

Consumers can buy a few simple parts from hardware and auto parts stores and with
a set of e books that Ozzie Freedom has compiled can build ,install ,and maintain a hydrogen generator that actually makes hydrogen, to run your engine as it's needed.
so why, now that a system already exists, would one want to purchase a vehicle that costs tens of thousands of dollars? this simple conversion can be done with no engine modification and can increase your gas mileage up to 50%. using distilled water,a small amount of common household baking soda, some electricity from your cars battery and with very simple parts, you can blend hho gas with gasoline and have a smoother running engine ,cleaner burning fuel, more power and better gas mileage.HHO gas mentioned above goes by many other names, such as Oxy-Hydrogen, hydroxy (short for hydroxygen) or di-hydroxy, Brown's Gas, green gas, waterfuel, etc. It's very different from pure Hydrogen. HHO has great advantages over pure Hydrogen – and is the only one of these two that qualifies for "Free energy"

Some of the parts ,consisting of the Electrolyzer, wiring harness, hoses and installation accessories, Works with Pure Baking Soda in distilled water. Will boost performance in all cars,a map sensor regulates how much hho you blend in,a fuel heater pre-heats the gasoline so it burns better,a pvc enhancer is used,a few feet of vacuum line is used, all common items we have all used or have heard about, combined in the right order, right underneath the hood of your car, can save you hundreds of dollars on gasoline costs.

you can learn more about Water4Gas @
or at

Sunday, April 27, 2008

do it yourself hydrogen optizimes gas mileage

If you think you’re getting gouged at the pump - think again.Many people don’t even look at the huge fossil fuel station prices signs because it it is too painful. It’s like “I know I am going to be hit, I don’t need to study how hard. Because of this uncomfortable experience , survey results show, that a majority of Americans think that the fossil fuel station they are patronizing is to blame.
A survey was done recently on how much money most people think they are paying to the fossil fuel stations that the stations get to keep as profit.A lady in the Crown Heights section of Brooklyn assumed that the fossil fuel station was profiting about $1.15 on every gallon she bought. There was a construction worker in Boston who estimated that the fossil fuel station would probably make about sixty five cents profit on every gallon. But several other drivers estimated the station’s take was less than a dime, and it turned out they were right.The manager of the BP station where the lady in Brooklyn filled up, said the owner’s take was 8 cents per gallon, and that most of the money taken in goes to BP.I get many people who are complaining to me and are all upset and all I can do is assure them that I have no say-so in the pricing. That is all under the control of the my supplier.”Just shy of 3/4s of the money that comes in to fossil fuel stations ends up with the actual oil production company,The rest of the breakdown goes roughly like this… 1/8th gets eaten up by the government for taxes, 1/12th goes to the refiners and another 1/12th goes to marketing which includes having fossil fuel stations out there as outlets for marketing purposes.“They think they are getting overcharged by the service stations but it’s not true,” said said a Mr Hoffinskott, an oil industry expert. He says that nine out of 10 stations are owned privately and that those owners profit from seven to fifteen cents per gallon so that even one pump and run theft incident in a day can result in a serious decline in earnings.So fossil fuel stations are being hit twice, first because their earnings are often dwindling to nothing and second because their customers are incorrectly targeting the fossil fuel station owners for the high prices of fossil fuel.Energy experts said that price gouging at the pump is a rare occurrence, largely because there is so much competitive pressure to keep the prices low.
Where fossil fuel stations make their money is off retail goods like candy bars, tires and frozen burritos, as well as services, like oil changes and auto repairs.The purpose of this article is not to depress you further but to just clarify that the fossil fuel station owners are not the ones to blame for fossil fuel prices. Don’t need to be targeting innocent people. But the core question is what do we do in order to survive when we are being hit from so many angles including fossil fuel prices rising up to and beyond $4/gallon while we know that 80% of the fossil fuel that we buy gets wasted. And there is an answer. It is called Water4Gas.The advantages that Water4Gas members are happy to reap from their membership are basically these…Increased gas performance up to 20, 30 or 50% or even higher. This is a highly variable factor but most people are delighted with the improved fuel economy they get.A happier, cleaner, cooler, more powerful car engine.The other benefit is the warm, fuzzy feeling that one gets when they know that they are helping the environment by not polluting it since their car’s emissions are so much cleaner.And also there is an opportunity to create more income for themselves by spreading the good news about Water4Gas.There are other benefits, besides.Including the knowledge that you are one of the lucky ones that don’t have to suffer as the gas prices continue to soar!Join Water4Gas and our revolution today and start getting the benefits of increased gas mileage, a more powerful engine and cleaner emissions.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Women and Water4Gas

An amazing fact has come about while telling others about Ozzie Freedoms Water4Gas Ebooks!!

Women are responding and wanting to know, if they can learn more about this technology asking
CAN I DO THIS ? yes women are getting involved and doing something about poor gas mileage and pollution, Ozzie's books are so detailed that anyone can read, build and install a hho gas system. many don't have the desire to build and install so they are taking the information to their local mechanic to have the work done, some are selling his e books and making money, others have built and installed their own system! ! ! this technology is not just for men.

These books explain all about hydrogen gas and how you can burn water for gas, no your not going to burn 100 % water, its a simple process of blending hho gas, created with a very small amount of distilled water and common household baking soda, with gasoline to make it burn more efficient and cleaner ,giving you better gas mileage and engine performance. the components of these systems can be bought at most local hardware stores and automotive parts stores. stop paying high gas prices double your mileage hey 13,000 Water4Gas users cant all be wrong.

for more info visit

to see a few of my friends visit

Sunday, April 13, 2008

GAS PRICES TO SOAR Water4Gas Rises To The Challenge

well here we are about to enter into the summer tourist season and the oil compaines are starting to inch up gas prices. with summer vactions comes higher gasoline prices
search engines are being flooded with inquires: where is the cheapest gas price,
who sells cheapest gas,how can i get better gas mileage, the list goes on and on travlers looking for better gas mileage, cheaper gas prices.
The absolute best answer lies in hydrogen technology, burning water for fuel is the answer, only Americans continue to doubt that it is true, Water4Gas systems work
and now over 13,000 users are proving it, each and every day someone new takes the challenge to try burning water for gas, each day a new testimonial comes in with an excited very happy user.
No one is asking you to believe your going to burn 100% water, all were asking is to open your mind to new technology and learn about hho gas, hydrogen supplement to your fuel system, better gas mileage, less polution, increased engine performance

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


Americans seem to be stuck on old ways, old stories, old horrors, old technology just plain old old old. everyone sits arround belly ackin about gas prices, poor gas mileage and needing extra money, but few every get up and get going and try to fix any of the problems in their life. now there is new technology to solve most of these issues, Water4Gas, burning water for gas will increase your gas mileage, that means less trips to the pumps = more money in your pockets. so whats the problem here? skecptisim, non belief,listening to so called know it alls? or just plain old
Water4Gas is actually a gas called HHO, hydrogen on demand fuel cells placed on your car and installed correctly allows you to increase your mileage by at least 37 %
many reporting 50 % improvement BUT THERE IS ONE THING FOR SURE if you dont take the time to learn NEW TECHNOLOGY you arent going to save nothing.whats so hard to believe about burning water for gas ? gasoline blended with hho [hydrogen]burns cleaner, more effecient,and makes your engine stronger and quiter.
But all it takes is one idiot who cant UNDERSTAND NEW TECHNOLOGY to stop hundreds
from converting to hho gas systems. the technology is so simple, if you have any knowledge of auto mechanics, you can build,install,and maintain your very own system.
what makes more sense, LEARNING NEW TECHNOLOGY OR sitting arround belly ackin about something you want to change and listening to some idiot know it all who says that wont work ! !


Tuesday, April 8, 2008

FREE Gasoline 7 Day Email Course

WOW Ozzie goes FREE with a 7 day email course about Water4Gas ! ! ! !
this email course usally sells for $49.95 but right now its absolutely free, now in just 10 minutes a day you can take a crash course and learn all about hydrogen on demand power for trucks and cars. this is a must for everyone who is serious about increasing their gas mileage, decreasing polution ,saving money and improving engine performance.
This 7 day course has a chapter on how to keep your automobile warranty up n running without any problems, theres a chapter on how to get tax credits, how to recieve alternative fuel refunds. explains in detail the basics of burning water for gas, and has pictures of complete, systems gives testimonials from users of Water4Gas systems.
Now over 12,500 users of Water4Gas and the number is growing daily, isnt it time you learned the truth about burning water for gasoline? well its never been easier
get your free email course today hurry this offer may be removed any time.

You do NOT have to buy anything or answer any questions!!! I just want you to have this information. Each lesson is easy and short. In about 10 minutes a day you will discover the simplicity and power of using water to clean emissions and save tons of fuel in your car or truck

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

America the BRAIN WASHED

Just once i would like to someone who has made a bad comment about Water4Gas come up with some proof of their statements. people who have nothing better to do than just sit arround and voice an opinion, should do some research on what they are commenting on before hand, placing doubt in the minds of individules who are serious about conserving fuel, global warming, and saving their hard earned money, should not have to read some jerks comment about something he knows nothing about.

Water4Gas is helping thousands of people every day, the ones smart enough not to believe in unfounded comments. 23 years of research and development have went into these systems, by hundreds of people with the desire to better America, not sit arround run their mouth off about something they know nothing about.

Ozzie freedoms Water4Gas is making a difference in the way people look at gasoline
consumption,and the ever growing cost of gas , global warming,if anyone really thinks
that hydrogen dosent work then they havent done any research. use distilled water some common household baking soda, a few feet of hose and some electrical wire, some fittings and a glass jar and you can produce hho gas that does run your car and dosent cause dammage to the engine.

I challenge any individual to prove me wrong, please step forward and prove over 10,000 users WRONG respond to this blogg with facts not unfounded comments, my facts can be found HERE


Friday, March 14, 2008

water 4 gas

90 year old suppressed technology, answers Americas growing needs

[studio city, ca.]. . . The popularity of Water4Gas is sky rocketing as America seeks
answers to energy and pollution concerns . boasting 10,000 satisfied customers and
growing daily , Ozzie Freedom , Founder And CEO of Water4Gas And
Water4Gas4Trucks , offers simple resolutions to both concerns.

No one is asking you to believe automobiles run completely on water, it is gas
called "HHO" [2 parts hydrogen + 1 part oxygen] and is 3 times more potent
than gasoline. burns cleaner , less pollution , less engine ping and knocking
WAY better mileage per gallon.

Stop and think about it for a minute , cars came out with single throat carburetors
and then comes along a 2 barrel with more power great !
now a 4 barrel with power beyond belief.
a few years back, fuel injection offers better mileage, more power, less pollution

No one questioned these changes , now new technology
Ozzie shows his water hybrid car every Saturday in Los Angele's, California with
50 to 60 visitors every day many bringing their own hybrid's to display , others
bringing complete systems for sale, all showing and explaining how and why
water hybrid is the future of America.

23 years in research and development have went into these systems
These e books offer simple, easy to apply directions for the back yard mechanic
and have all the information your own mechanic will easily understand if your not
mechanically inclined.

A cost effective immediate solution to Americas growing concerns of energy
and pollution if you think they don't exist, watch The History Channels,
Mega disasters : Oil Apocalypse and silently ask yourself could this possible
work ? change is hard , understanding is easy, converting ? your choice.......

persons wanting more information on hydrogen powered cars can go to,

Friday, March 7, 2008

90 years ago we had hydrogen capibilites

Once again , in America , we see the past come alive after being buried for decades.

seems simply amazing that as gasoline prices sky rocket out of the past comes

a simple , cost effective , do-it-yourself , solution.

Have you noticed the new television commercials with the ocean back ground floating in and out ? the word hydrogen appearing disappearing ? have you heard the words ,

Working on energy solutions for Americas ever ending needs ?

We keep hearing about water powered vehicles on the drawing board , me i personally laffed
out loud the first time i heard it mentioned, only because of ignorance

Now water4gas has hit the big time , hundreds are using the system doubling and in some instances tripling their gas mileage , with a system that has taken 90 year old suppressed technology , with most items that can be bought at your local hardware store , and with a simple manual, can be installed by the average back yard mechanic

A very well, in depth manual ,written in plain English words with illustrated pictures that leave nothing out and step by step instructions to be able to install all by your self

Can you even imagine getting 40-50-60 miles to the gallon in our gas guzzling vehicles ?

after trying all kinds of gimmicks , turbo this - turbo that , dual what ? super spark plugs ,

high rise air cleaners the list goes on and on and the cost up and up with little or no


I highly recommend you visit this site and see for yourself the facts on burning water 4 gas, the information alone will prove help full in your very own future. Click Here!

p.s. you never get to old to learn something new .
