Friday, March 7, 2008

90 years ago we had hydrogen capibilites

Once again , in America , we see the past come alive after being buried for decades.

seems simply amazing that as gasoline prices sky rocket out of the past comes

a simple , cost effective , do-it-yourself , solution.

Have you noticed the new television commercials with the ocean back ground floating in and out ? the word hydrogen appearing disappearing ? have you heard the words ,

Working on energy solutions for Americas ever ending needs ?

We keep hearing about water powered vehicles on the drawing board , me i personally laffed
out loud the first time i heard it mentioned, only because of ignorance

Now water4gas has hit the big time , hundreds are using the system doubling and in some instances tripling their gas mileage , with a system that has taken 90 year old suppressed technology , with most items that can be bought at your local hardware store , and with a simple manual, can be installed by the average back yard mechanic

A very well, in depth manual ,written in plain English words with illustrated pictures that leave nothing out and step by step instructions to be able to install all by your self

Can you even imagine getting 40-50-60 miles to the gallon in our gas guzzling vehicles ?

after trying all kinds of gimmicks , turbo this - turbo that , dual what ? super spark plugs ,

high rise air cleaners the list goes on and on and the cost up and up with little or no


I highly recommend you visit this site and see for yourself the facts on burning water 4 gas, the information alone will prove help full in your very own future. Click Here!

p.s. you never get to old to learn something new .


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